Pilbara, WA
Rio Tinto
May 2022
300,000m3 Earthworks, 2,000m3 Concrete
Whittens completed the construction of the White Quartz Road Realignment project which consisted of the realignment of the access road to the Brockman 4 Mine located approximately 60km north-west of Tom Price in the Pilbara region.
The scope of works included 300,000m3 bulk and detailed earthworks, design and construction of a 73m concrete arch underpass, concrete works, construction of a warehouse and washdown facility and electrical and mechanical works. Realignment of the White Quartz Road, installation of haul road, access roads and design and construction of underpass.
The scope of works included:
- Clearing and grubbing and topsoil stripping of the road alignment and surrounding areas.
- Establishment, operation, management and rehabilitation of borrow pits.
- Set up and maintain a testing grid within the borrow pits and stockpiles to allow for the identification, testing and tracking of various construction materials.
- Screening material from borrow areas, stockpiles and cuttings and import balance as required.
- Bulk earthworks, roadworks and detailed earthworks
- Concrete work (pedestals and footings for road signage and furniture).
- Electrical and mechanical work.
- Structural activities (warehouse and washdown).