Project Energy Connect Camp and Laydown Earthworks

Buronga, NSW

Secure Energy JV


September 2022

47,000m3 Earthworks

SecureEnergy Joint Venture was awarded the engineering, construction and procurement (EPC) contract for the new 700km 330kv transmission line extending from Wagga Wagga NSW to the South Australian border. As part the early works phase for Project EnergyConnect, Whittens is engaged to deliver the Camp and Laydown 7 earthworks package.

Whittens scope of works for the Camp & Laydown 6 Earthworks package includes:

  • Clearing and grubbing, topsoil stripping and stockpiling and bulk earthworks across the site including access road, camp, office, and laydown sites.
  • Construction of reinforced concrete slabs for plant and equipment maintenance, stores, fabrication facility and refuelling areas.
  • Construction and lining of a reuse retention basin to receive treated waste and construction water and act as a storage basin.